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Basic Brownfields
Journal of Natural Resources & Environmental Law (1997)
  • Becky Jacobs, Professor, University of Tennessee College of Law
It seems as if everyone is talking about brownfields these days. You hear about brownfields on the news, and you can select from a variety of books and articles on the subject. Brownfields forums and seminars are being organized nationwide. Government agencies and officials at all levels consider brownfields a top priority. President Bill Clinton even remarked upon the issue in his 1997 State of the Union Address: "We should restore contaminated urban land and buildings to productive use."
This article is a basic guide to the brownfields problem. It will define the problem and will attempt to identify the various causes thereof. It also will review federal brownfields initiatives and state brownfields reforms in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
  • Law,
  • Environmental Law,
  • Brownfields
Publication Date
January, 1997
Citation Information
Becky Jacobs. "Basic Brownfields" Journal of Natural Resources & Environmental Law Vol. 12 Iss. 2 (1997) p. 265 - 306
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