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The Future of Law Libraries
Bench & Bar
  • Tina M. Brooks, University of Kentucky
  • Franklin L. Runge, University of Kentucky
  • Beau Steenken, University of Kentucky

Law libraries are filed with the rules that govern our society, thoughtful scholars, conscientious lawyers, some hard working students, and some procrastinating students. In the past, this required libraries to collect hardbound volumes and loose leafs. Today, the collection is beginning to give way to research platforms filed with those same, or similar, materials and then some; much of the primary legal documentation is even freely available on the web.

While the physical footprint of the library may be smaller as a result of this transition, the amount of legal information that researchers have access to has grown exponentially. We now have more sophisticated tools for manipulating this ocean of digital information, and the services offered by law librarians are evolving along with those tools. This article will review current trends in law libraries.

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Notes/Citation Information

Tina M. Brooks, Franklin L. Runge & Beau Steenken, The Future of Law Libraries, 80 Bench & B. 18 (July / Aug. 2016).

Citation Information
Tina M. Brooks, Franklin L. Runge and Beau Steenken. "The Future of Law Libraries" Bench & Bar Vol. 80 Iss. 4 (2016) p. 18 - 23
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