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About Bashir AbulQaraya

Dr. Bashir AbulQaraya is Associate Professor of Political Science and Coordinator for Master in Diplomacy and International Affairs, Department of International Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences. He joined Zayed University as Assistant Professor since 2009 Fall semester. In 2018 Spring semester he had promoted to Associate Professor.Dr. AbulQaraya has PhD in Political Science from Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University. He is specialist in political theory, theoretical models building and Arab Israeli conflict.
Dr. Bashir is teaching Introduction to political Science, International Organizations, Introduction to International Relations, Political History of the UAE, History of the UAE, Islamic Civilization, Emirates Studies, and Arab Concepts. He is also teaching Internship and serving in every semester as a Faculty Advisor. As an internship Faculty advisor he believes that the internship students who are studying International studies should have work experience at any political and governmental body, local or federal.
Dr. Bashir's Philosophy of Teaching focuses on building the intellectual horizon of student. His method of teaching is focusing on the student participation to be not less than 60% of the class time. However, during the semester Dr. Bashir used to apply Active Learning, Mobile learning, Critical Thinking, Brainstorming, Pre-Knowledge, or Discussion Board. He prefers in every class to change the activities and teaching methods to make the class interesting, fun, and non-boring.
Dr. AbulQaraya also has many published articles about the UAE, such as: Foreign Policy, Political Rights of Woman in UAE, Shaikh Zayd Grand Mosque, UAE support to the Palestinian Problem, and social Development in the UAE.
Dr AbulQaraya had published in Beirut two books in Arabic: "The Intifada's System" (2012) published by Hassan Al-Asriyyah, and "The Palestinian Intifada's Model" (2014) by Arab Scientific Publisher. He also translated one book from English to Arabic: "The Three Islands: Mapping of the UAE-Iranian Dispute" (2014) published by KALIMA Project, TCA, Abu Dhabi.
Another ten books introduced and edited by Dr. Bashir were published in TCA Abu Dhabi: 'The Book of Gaining, Kitab al-Kasb for Al-Shibani' (2005); 'The Keys of Sciences, Mafatih al-Uloom for Al-Khawarezmi' (2015); 'The Book of Physiognomy, Kitab al-Farasah for Al-Fakhr Al-Razi' (2015); 'Understanding the Trade, al-Tabassor Bit-Tijara for al-Jahi' (2015); 'Critical Study of What India Says, Whether Accepted by Reason or Refused, Tahqiq ma lil-Hind min Maqula Maqbula fi al-'AQl aw Marthula for Al-Birun'; ‘The Commandment of Kings, Wasaya al-Molouk for Deabil al-Khuza'I’ (2016); ‘Laws Regarding the Ministers, Qawanin al-Wazarah for al-Mawardi’ (2016); ‘The Book of Crown in the Ethics of Kings, Kitab al-Taj fi 'Akhlaq al-Muluk for al-Jahiz’ (2016); ‘The Book of Pleasant Journeys into Faraway Lands, Nuzhat al-Mushtaq Fi IKhtira al-Afaq, for al-Idrisi’ (2016) and; ‘Monument of Places and History of God's Bondsmen, 'Athar al-Bilad Wa Akhbar al-Ibad for al-Qazweeni (2016).
Dr. Bashir also published several articles and researches in refereed journals, including in English; ‘The civic and cultural role of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque’ (2015), and ‘The Western understanding to the meaning of the Prophethood’ (2016) published by Procedia, Elsevier and ScienceDirect, 'The impact of ideological disagreements on international relations: a study in Islam and the West' (2017) published by the European Proceedings for Social and Behavioral Sciences, EPSBS, UK, 'Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Third Palestinian Intifada' published by the Global Journal of Business and Social Science, GJBSSR, in Malaysia. He also published; 'What poets and novelists say about the Prophet Muhammad', and 'Scientists' Appreciation to the Prophet Muhammad' (The Copenhagen Post, April 2008), and 'The Philosophers and the Prophet' (TABA Foundation, Abu Dhabi, UAE, May 2008).
Dr. Bashir's Page in Google Scholar ad Academia show all his published works whether in Arabic or in English.


May 2018 - Present Associate Professor of Political Science, Zayed University International Studies Department, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
August 2009 - May 2018 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Zayed University International Studies Department, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2019 - Present Graduate Program Coordinator for Master in Diplomacy an International Affairs, Zayed University
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  • Muslim Societies & Global Affair
  • Internship
  • Islamic Civilization
  • History of the UAE
  • Political History of the UAE
  • Emirates Studies
  • International Organizations
  • Principles of International Relations
  • Introduction to Political Science


September 1998 - March 2007 PhD in Political Science, Cairo University ‐ Faculty of Economics and Political Science
September 1995 - October 1996 Ph.D. Preliminary Degree in Political Science, Cairo University ‐ Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
September 1988 - July 1994 MSc in Political Science, Cairo University ‐ Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
September 1984 - September 1985 MSc Preliminary Degree in Political Science, Cairo University ‐ Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences
September 1979 - June 1983 BSc in Political Science, Assiut University ‐ Political Science, Faculty of Commerce