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Concurrent Validation of Two Value Inventories in Predicting Job Classification and Success for Organizational Personnel
Management & Entrepreneurship
  • J. Michael Munson, Santa Clara University
  • Barry Z. Posner, Santa Clara University
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Publication Date
American Psychological Association

The England Personal Value Questionnaire and the Rokeach Value Survey were analyzed for their ability to differentiate employees in management from those in nonmanagement positions and to differentiate employees with higher levels of self-perceived success from those with lower levels. Data were collected from 74 managers and nonmanagers in the computer industry. When applied to a cross-validation holdout sample, each instrument demonstrated an acceptable level of concurrent validity in its capacity to correctly classify employees on both variables.

Citation Information
Munson, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (1980). Concurrent validation of two value inventories in predicting job classification and success for organizational personnel. Journal of Applied Psychology, 65(5), 536–542.