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Role Clarity and Organizational Level
Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Barry Z. Posner, Santa Clara University
  • D. Anthony Butterfield
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Sage Publications

Role clarity was examined in terms of its relationships with personal outcomes and organizational effectiveness. Organizational level as a moderator of such relationships was also investigated. Using 490 underwriting personnel from 4 levels in 20 insurance offices, hypotheses based on prior research were generally confirmed. Role clarity was positively related to perceptions of job satisfaction, personal influence, organizational effectiveness, and task-oriented leadership. Role clarity was higher at higher organizational levels, where relationships with perceived organizational effectiveness were not significant. An independent measure of effectiveness showed members in high-performing offices had greater role clarity than members in low-performing offices. Role clarity and organizational level are important variables in organizational behavior research and warrant continued study.

Citation Information
Posner, B. Z., & Butterfield, D. A. (1978). Role Clarity and Organizational Level. Journal of Management, 4(2), 81–90.