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Increasing the Effectiveness of Management Development via the Managerial Problems Survey
Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Barry Z. Posner, Santa Clara University
  • James M. Kouzes
  • T. Roger Manley
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Publication Date
Emerald Group Publishing Limited

The key design considerations for putting together effective management development activities are briefly reviewed. The Managerial Problems Survey, one mechanism for operationalising these design considerations, is described, followed by a case study of how one organisation used these ideas. Several suggestions are then presented for how organisations and their managers can increase the relevance and benefits of management development efforts.

Citation Information
Posner, B. Z., Kouzes, J. M., & Roger Manley, T. (1988). Increasing the effectiveness of management development via the managerial problems survey. Journal of Management Development, 7(4), 14–20. doi:10.1108/eb051681