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Improving the Convergence of SU(3) Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
Physics Department Faculty Publication Series
  • John Donoghue, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Barry Holstein, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Publication Date

Baryon chiral perturbation theory as conventionally applied using dimensional regularization has a well-known problem with the convergence of the SU(3) chiral expansion. One can reformulate the theory equally rigorously using a momentum-space cutoff and we show that the convergence is thereby greatly improved for reasonable values of the cutoff. In effect, this is accomplished because the cutoff formalism removes the spurious physics of propagation at distance scales much smaller than the baryon size.

This is the pre-published version received from arXiv.
Citation Information
John Donoghue and Barry Holstein. "Improving the Convergence of SU(3) Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory" (1996)
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