Objective: This article addresses whether measures for assessing premorbid intellectual functioning are adequate for geriatric schizophrenia.
Method: We included geriatric schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (SSD; n=37), frontotemporal dementia (FTD; n = 41), and geriatric controls (n = 107), and employed measures of verbal ability.
Results: Pearson’s correlations and ANOVAs for discrepancy comparisons showed unique patterns of spared function in SSD when compared to FTD and controls.
Conclusions: Findings lend support to the specificity of cognitive processes in SSD, even when accounting for processes common to the theoretically similar FTD. SSD showed a distinct pattern of spared ability which supports clinical utilization of discrepant measures of premorbid intellectual estimation for SSD.
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/barry-schneider/12/