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Measurement-Based Care in the Pediatric Primary Care Setting
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  • Barry Sarvet, MD, Baystate Health
Document Type
Article, Peer-reviewed
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Challenges associated with the integration of pediatric mental health care in the primary care setting include limitations of training and time, high volume of patients, need for coordination with external specialists, limited infrastructure, and limited funding. All of these issues can negatively influence the quality of mental health service delivery. Measurement-based care (MBC) processes have the potential to mitigate many of these challenges and generate data, allowing practices to evaluate and improve the performance of integrated mental health processes. Implementing MBC requires initial investment of staff resources for planning and training and information technology resources.

Keywords: Consultation-liaison psychiatry; General pediatrics; Integrated care; Quality improvement.

Citation Information
Sarvet B. Measurement-Based Care in the Pediatric Primary Care Setting. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2020 Oct;29(4):691-702. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2020.06.009. Epub 2020 Jul 22.