The APRN Critique Guide Used to Advance Evidence-Based Practice
The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice
Reading and critiquing research are essential skills for advanced practice nurses. This article builds upon a critique guide published in volume 10, issue 1 of this journal. The purpose of this companion article is to facilitate reading, understanding, and possible implementation of research by providing nurses with an example of reading and critiquing research. The critique presented was conducted by one of the authors who is an advanced practice nurse. The process is demonstrated using a published nursing research article, and each section is discussed. Sections of the critique are scored and summed to create a composite score useful in overall evaluation of the article. This method of critiquing research has been used by faculty members in a graduate nursing program, and practicing nurses have evaluated the guide as helpful in breaking the critique process down into manageable sections.
- advanced practice nurses,
- critique,
- evidence-based nursing practice,
- nursing research,
- research
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
First published in The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice.
Citation Information
G Duke, B Haas, C Hawkins, S Northam. The APRN Critique Guide Used To Advance Evidence-Based Practice. The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice. 2008 Volume 10 Number 2.