SPACE INVADERS: How hospital library space reduction can be a good thing.
Medical Library Association Annual Meeting
Objectives: To create a modern and collaborative hospital library space on a shoe-string budget.
Methods: As a non-revenue generating department hospital library space is often at risk when other departments are looking to expand. Recognizing that the current physical library no longer met the needs of its patrons but lacking funds for a renovation, Library leadership set themselves up as a willing and cooperative partner by proactively approaching Administration about relinquishing physical space. When an opportunity presented itself, Library leadership collaborated with Administration and the Hospitalist department to surrender 2/3 of the physical footprint in exchange for a smaller, yet more modernized space.
Results: The Providence St Vincent Medical Library renovation allowed the library to take advantage of existing capital project funds to design a compact twenty-first century space which focused on technology and collaborative work space instead of a large yet dated print-based repository.
Conclusion: Hospital library space reduction isn't always a bad thing. By presenting yourself as a pro-active collaborator, harnessing existing capital project funds can allow libraries to achieve modernization while reducing space in a way that doesn't feel like a sacrifice.
- hospital libraries,
- medical libraries,
- library space
Publication Date
May 29, 2017
Seattle, WA
Citation Information
Heather J Martin and Basia Delawska-Elliott. "SPACE INVADERS: How hospital library space reduction can be a good thing." Medical Library Association Annual Meeting (2017) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/barbara-delawska-elliott/10/