© 2018 Elsevier Ltd The construction of smart cities will bring about a higher quality of life to the masses through digital interconnectivity, leading to increased efficiency and accessibility in cities. Smart cities must ensure individual privacy and security in order to ensure that its citizens will participate. If citizens are reluctant to participate, the core advantages of a smart city will dissolve. This article will identify and offer possible solutions to five smart city challenges, in hopes of anticipating destabilizing and costly disruptions. The challenges include privacy preservation with high dimensional data, securing a network with a large attack surface, establishing trustworthy data sharing practices, properly utilizing artificial intelligence, and mitigating failures cascading through the smart network. Finally, further research directions are provided to encourage further exploration of smart city challenges before their construction.
- Cyber-physical systems,
- Information security,
- Privacy protection,
- Smart cities
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/babar-shah/53/