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Self-Sustainability of VHTR Configurations with Advanced Actinide Fuels
PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics
  • P. V. Tsvetkov
  • D. E. Ames, II
  • Ayodeji Babatunde Alajo, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • M. L. Pritchard

Minor actinides represent the long-term radiotoxicity of nuclear wastes. As one of their potential incineration options, partitioning and transmutation in fission reactors are seriously considered worldwide. If implemented, these technologies could also be a source of nuclear fuel materials required for sustainability of nuclear energy. The objective of the U.S. DOE NERI Project is to assess the possibility, advantages and limitations of achieving ultra-long life VHTR (Very High Temperature Reactor) configurations by utilizing minor actinides as a fuel component. The analysis takes into consideration and compares capabilities of pebble-bed and prismatic core designs with advanced actinide fuels to approach the reactor lifetime long operation without intermediate refueling. This paper discusses the up-to-date research efforts. Whole-core/system 3D models with multi-heterogeneity treatments and property databases of actinide compounds are developed together with relevant benchmark problems to compare computational results with experiments. Obtained results are in agreement with the available HTTR and HTR-10 data. Studies of actinide-fueled VHTR configurations indicate promising performance characteristics. Utilization of minor actinides as a fuel component would facilitate development of new fuel cycles and support sustainability of a fuel source for nuclear energy assuring future operation of Generation IV nuclear energy systems.

Meeting Name
PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics
Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
Keywords and Phrases
  • Advanced Fuel Cycles,
  • HTGR,
  • Minor Actinides,
  • Spectrum Shifting,
  • Transmutation,
  • VHTR
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
Document Version
File Type
© 2006 American Nuclear Society (ANS), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 2006
Citation Information
P. V. Tsvetkov, D. E. Ames, Ayodeji Babatunde Alajo and M. L. Pritchard. "Self-Sustainability of VHTR Configurations with Advanced Actinide Fuels" PHYSOR-2006 - American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics (2006)
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