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Out-Of-Core Fuel Cycle Characteristics of VHTRs with No On-Site Refueling
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2008
  • P. V. Tsvetkov
  • Ayodeji Babatunde Alajo, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • T. G. Lewis
  • D. E. Ames, II

This paper presents an analysis of VHTR systems with no on-site refueling. The objective of the research effort is to evaluate out-ofcore fuel cycle characteristics focusing on potential front-end composition variations and their impact on back-end management options. Recognizing fuel cycle flexibility of HTGRs, a broad range of fresh fuel vectors is taken into consideration including traditional LEU and transmutation fuels containing TRUs from PWR spent fuel. In this analysis, the primary purpose of added TRUs is to achieve prolonged operation on a single fuel loading. Researchers assessed perturbations of the VHTR spent fuel characteristics (back-end management options) because of the VHTR fresh fuel composition deviations from the chosen reference content. A single-batch autonomous operation (no on-site refueling) offers a number of advantages facilitating deployment in energy-demanding developing regions with limited industrial infrastructure while maintaining system safety and security by design. The study is performed for the hexagonal block core concept within the framework of the ongoing U.S. DOE NERI Project on utilization of TRUs as a fuel component for extended-life VHTRs.

Meeting Name
International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2008
Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
Document Version
File Type
© 2008 American Nuclear Society (ANS), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 2008
Citation Information
P. V. Tsvetkov, Ayodeji Babatunde Alajo, T. G. Lewis and D. E. Ames. "Out-Of-Core Fuel Cycle Characteristics of VHTRs with No On-Site Refueling" Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2008 (2008)
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