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Task complexity, language-related episodes, and production of L2 Spanish vowels
Studies in Second Language Acquisition (2017)
  • Megan Solon, University at Albany, SUNY
  • Avizia Y. Long, University of Guam
  • Laura Gurzynski-Weiss, Indiana University
This study tests the theoretical predictions regarding effects of increasing task complexity (Robinson, 2001a, 2001b, 2007, 2010; Robinson & Gilabert, 2007) for second language (L2) pronunciation. Specifically, we examine whether more complex tasks (a) lead to greater incidence of pronunciation-focused language-related episodes (LREs) and (b) positively impact accuracy of phonetic form during task completion. Seventeen dyads of intermediate L2 Spanish learners completed simple (+few elements) and complex (-few elements) information-gap map tasks in which the pronunciation of Spanish vowels was made task essential through the inclusion of minimal pair street names (e.g., Calle Copa “Copa Street” and Calle Capa “Capa Street”). Results revealed no statistical difference in learner-produced pronunciation-related LREs in the simple and complex tasks. Vowel production, however, moved in a targetlike direction for one of five segments (/e/) during the complex task. Results therefore point to some benefits of task complexity manipulations for L2 pronunciation.
Publication Date
January 6, 2017
Publisher Statement
This article has been published in a revised form in Studies in Second Language Acquisition This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © Cambridge University Press 2016.

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Citation Information
Megan Solon, Avizia Y. Long and Laura Gurzynski-Weiss. "Task complexity, language-related episodes, and production of L2 Spanish vowels" Studies in Second Language Acquisition Vol. 39 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 347 - 380 ISSN: 0272-2631
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