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Chapter 9. Investigating the relationship between instructor research training and pronunciation-related instruction and oral corrective feedback
Expanding individual difference research in the interaction approach: Investigating learners, instructors, and other interlocutors (2017)
  • Avizia Yim Long, Texas Tech University
Although the role of the instructor in classroom-based L2 pronunciation development has begun to receive attention in the empirical literature (e.g., Baker, 2011a, 2011b, 2014; Baldwin & Long, 2013; Buss, 2016; Couper, 2016; A. Y. Long, 2013), the extent to which the quantity and quality of classroom-based pronunciation-related instruction and oral corrective feedback vary across instructors remains unknown. Based on Baldwin and Long’s (2013) finding that L2 Spanish instructors’ stated beliefs about pronunciation instruction and feedback differed according to graduate-level training (in literature or linguistics), the present study explored the relationship between instructor research training – operationalized as training in phonetics/phonology – and provision of pronunciation-related instruction and oral corrective feedback in the classroom. Specifically, the pronunciation-related instruction and oral corrective feedback practices of eight graduate student instructors of intermediate-level L2 Spanish were examined. All instructors were native speakers of English, and half had received training in phonetics/phonology as part of their graduate coursework. Observations of classroom lessons (over the course of an academic semester) and an analysis of pronunciation-related oral corrective feedback provided by the instructor demonstrated that pronunciation-related instruction, though limited and inconsistent, was marginally linked to instructor research training; however, research training was not related to observed feedback patterns.
  • corrective feedback,
  • instructor individual characteristics,
  • L2 Spanish,
  • L2 pronunciation,
  • research training
Publication Date
December 15, 2017
Laura Gurzynski-Weiss
John Benjamins
AILA Applied Linguistics Series 16
Citation Information
Avizia Yim Long. "Chapter 9. Investigating the relationship between instructor research training and pronunciation-related instruction and oral corrective feedback" AmsterdamExpanding individual difference research in the interaction approach: Investigating learners, instructors, and other interlocutors (2017) p. 202 - 223
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