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About Austin M. Garner

I am a PhD candidate in the Integrated Bioscience Program at the University of Akron. I am currently studying lizard adhesion and adhesive locomotion under conditions relevant to their ecology with co-advisors Dr. Peter Niewiarowski (Department of Biology) and Dr. Ali Dhinojwala (Department of Polymer Science). Specifically, my research involves incorporating knowledge and techniques from adhesion science and biology to enhance our understanding of both biological and synthetic fibrillar adhesion, especially under non-ideal conditions (e.g., rough, wet, and dirty surfaces). 


May 2016 - Present Teaching Assistant, The University of Akron Department of Biology

Curriculum Vitae

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Honors and Awards

  • Charlotte Magnum Student Support Award (Society for Integrated and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting)
  • Professional Enrichment Grant (University of Akron)
  • Company of Biologists Travel Grant (Society for Experimental Biology)
  • Best Overall Poster (Department of Biology Undergraduate Research Symposium)


  • Digital Skills for Biologists (Teaching Assistant)
  • Herpetology (Teaching Assistant)
  • Foundations of Physiology Lab I (Teaching Assistant)
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab I (Teaching Assistant)
  • Principles of Biology II Lab (Teaching Assistant)
  • General Ecology (Teaching Assistant)
  • Biomimetic Design (Teaching Assistant)


May 2016 - Present PhD in Integrated Bioscience, The University of Akron ‐ Department of Biology
August 2012 - May 2016 Bachelor of Science in Biology, The University of Akron ‐ Department of Biology

Contact Information

Office: ASEC E511


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