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Unanticipated Software Use by Adolescents Following Mandatory Adoption
ICIS 2002 Proceedings
  • Lester Singletary, Louisiana State University
  • Asli Akbulut, Louisiana State University
  • Andrea Houston, Louisiana State University
Publication Date

This research proposes a model to predict unanticipated use of software by high school students after mandatory adoption. We define unanticipated use as voluntarily extending the use of a software product to new tasks and new settings after mandatory adoption for a specific task in a specific setting. We are basing our model on TAM2 (Venkatesh and Davis 2000), which is an extension of the original technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis 1986). Typically, research in this area investigates technology acceptance in voluntary settings. However, a few studies have looked at acceptance in mandatory settings (Rawstorne et al. 2000). Our research involves actual behavior so we have removed the intention to use construct from the original TAM2 model. Due to the nature of our subjects and the educational setting, we have also removed the following original TAM2 constructs: output quality, voluntariness, and job relevance. We have added personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology (PIIT) (Agarwal and Prasad 1998) and computer self- efficacy (CSE) (Compeau and Higgins 1995).

Citation Information
Lester Singletary, Asli Akbulut and Andrea Houston. "Unanticipated Software Use by Adolescents Following Mandatory Adoption" (2002)
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