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Characterization of Ice Adhesion: Approaches and Modes of Loading
  • Bishoy Dawood, Iowa State University
  • Denizhafn Yavas, Iowa State University
  • Christopher J. Giuffre, Iowa State University
  • Ashraf Bastawros, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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Publication Date
Conference Title
AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition
Conference Date
June 15-19, 2020

Airborne structures are vulnerable to atmospheric icing in cold weather operation conditions. Most of the ice adhesion-related works have focused on mechanical ice removal strategies because of practical considerations, while limited literature is available for a fundamental understanding of the ice adhesion process. Here, we present fracture mechanics-based approaches to characterize interfacial fracture parameters for the tensile and shear behavior of a typical ice/aluminum interface. An experimental framework employing single cantilever beam, direct shear, and push-out shear tests were developed to achieve near mode-I and near mode-II fracture conditions at the interface. Both analytical (beam bending and shear-lag analysis), and numerical (finite element analysis incorporating cohesive zone method) models were used to extract mode-I and II interfacial fracture parameters. The combined experimental and numerical results, as well as surveying published results for the direct shear and push-out shear tests, showed that mode-II interfacial strength and toughness could be significantly affected by the test method due to geometrically induced interfacial residual stress. As a result, the apparent toughness of the zero-angle push-out test could reach an order of magnitude higher than those derived from direct shear tests. Moreover, it was found that the interfacial ice adhesion is fracture mode insensitive and roughness insensitive for tensile and shear modes, for the observed modes of failures in this study


This is a manuscript of a proceeding published as Dawood, B., Yavas, D., Giuffre, C.J. and Bastawros, A. "Characterization of Ice Adhesion: Approaches and Modes of Loading." Paper No. AIAA 2020-2802. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 Forum. (2020): 2802. DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-2802. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
File Format
Citation Information
Bishoy Dawood, Denizhafn Yavas, Christopher J. Giuffre and Ashraf Bastawros. "Characterization of Ice Adhesion: Approaches and Modes of Loading" AIAA AVIATION 2020 Forum (2020) p. 2020-2802
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