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Jewish Perspective
40th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate Conference (2005)
  • Rabbi Asher Finkel, Ph.D., Seton Hall University
Almost two millennia of confrontation, vilification and recrimination marked the relationship of the offspring Christianity and its mother religion, Judaism from the first century. Now, a new chapter of the encounter has opened since Vatican II with a papal declaration on the relation of the Church to Judaism and to non-Christian religions. A meaningful dialogue of mutual respect was pursued that led to the apologetic reconciliation and positive reorientation to the common Biblical tradition of Jews and Christians. The encounter has now changed from past relationship of disputation and intolerance to seeking understanding from the ground of faith in canonical Scriptures and the historical tradition. Both are eager to explore their roots and to remove wrongful misrepresentation of the past with a watchful eye on the recent devastating events that were impacted by antisemitism on the Christian continent of Europe
  • Jewish Perspective,
  • Jewish-Catholic,
  • Nostra Aetate,
  • Vatican II,
  • Second Vatican Council,
  • Church,
  • Holocaust,
  • Jewish-Christian,
  • Pope Paul VI,
  • Teshuvah,
  • Repentance,
  • John Paul II,
  • British mandate,
  • Israel,
  • Jewish homeland,
  • Arafat,
  • Islamic terrorism,
  • suicide bombs,
  • fatwah,
  • Jihad,
  • Shi’ite government,
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinajad,
  • shalom,
  • Ezekiel,
  • Gog,
  • Magog,
  • shenayim,
  • shanim,
  • Zachariah,
  • venistam,
  • venastem,
  • dialogein,
  • duo logoi,
  • tahrif,
  • Hadith,
  • Muhammad,
  • Khadijah,
  • isnaad,
  • Sirat of Ishak,
  • Israiliyyat,
  • Jesus,
  • Hillelitic Pharisees,
  • Dabru Emet,
  • Second Temple,
  • R. Moshe Isserlis,
  • Acts 15,
  • Torah,
  • Paul,
  • Mishneh Torah,
  • Hilkhot Melakhim,
  • Hebrews 3,
  • imitatio,
  • tikkun olam,
  • tikkun,
  • Hallel,
  • kerygma,
  • Temple Scroll,
  • Pesharim,
  • Pesher,
  • Masorah,
  • Biblia Hebraica,
  • Isaiah
Publication Date
November 10, 2005
Citation Information
Asher Finkel. "Jewish Perspective" 40th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate Conference (2005)
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