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Standing before God
  • Rabbi Asher Finkel, Ph.D., Seton Hall University
  • Reverend Lawrence E. Frizzell, D.Phil., Seton Hall University
This festschrift, in honor of John M. Oesterreicher, contains twenty-four essays and reflections on worship in scriptures and prayer in Jewish and Christian traditions.
  • standing before God,
  • prayer,
  • scripture,
  • worship,
  • Eugene H. Maly,
  • Alfons Deissler,
  • Lawrence Frizzell,
  • Otto Betz,
  • Peter G. Ahr,
  • Lou H. Silberman,
  • Gerard D. Sloyan,
  • Dieter Zeller,
  • Asher Finkel,
  • joseph Sievers,
  • Kurt Hruby,
  • Arnold Goldberg,
  • Clemens Thoma,
  • Jakob J. Petuchowski,
  • Richard Morton Nardone,
  • Walter Strolz,
  • Edward A. Synan,
  • Annie Kraus,
  • Willehad Paul Eckert,
  • Michael Myschogrod,
  • Herbert Weiner,
  • Jacob B. Agnus,
  • Shemaryahu Talmon,
  • Monika K. Hellwig,
  • Immance and transcendence,
  • theology of Psalm 104,
  • Hymn of creation in Daniel,
  • worship god in spirit and in truth,
  • reflections on John 4,
  • theology of John 13,
  • Prophets/Angels,
  • LXX and Qumran Psalm 151,
  • Epistle to the Hebrews,
  • who are the people of God,
  • God as Father,
  • Prayer of Jesus,
  • Where two or three,
  • shkhinah,
  • unity of God,
  • service of the heart,
  • synagogue worship,
  • akedah,
  • liturgy of the synagoue,
  • church of Jerusalem,
  • Christian calendar,
  • Deutero-Isaiah,
  • Anselm's Proslogion,
  • sin of folly,
  • synogoga,
  • Scivias of Hildegard,
  • conscience,
  • Rav Abraham Isac Kuk,
  • world community,
  • utopia,
  • Martin Buber,
  • Holocaust songs
Publication Date
Asher Finkel and Lawrence E. Frizzell
Ktav Publishing House
Citation Information
Asher Finkel and Lawrence E. Frizzell. Standing before God. New York(1981)
Available at:
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