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Work-related consequences of smoking cessation
Academy of Management Journal (1989)
  • M. R Manning, New Mexico State University
  • J. S Osland, San Jose State University
  • Asbjorn Osland, San Jose State University

This study assessed the effects of smoking cessation on mood, job per- ceptions and attitudes, work absenteeism, and self-appraised health, eating habits, and weight. Four-hundred and twenty-two blue- and white-collar employees completed a questionnaire twice and were cat- egorized into four groups in terms of their smoking behavior: those who had never smoked, smokers, exsmokers at the time the study began, and individuals who stopped smoking during the study. Compared to other respondents, recent exsmokers reported higher depression, anxiety, and negative affect; lower quality of life and job satisfaction; more job- related tension; and increased short-term absence. These findings sug- gest that work perceptions may be subject to influences, both on and off the job, that can alter the affective state of an individual. In addition, smoking cessation resulted in poorer eating habits, increase in weight, and lower appraisals of health.

  • Work-related,
  • consequences,
  • smoking,
  • cessation
Publication Date
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Citation Information
M. R Manning, J. S Osland and Asbjorn Osland. "Work-related consequences of smoking cessation" Academy of Management Journal Vol. 32 (1989)
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