Current Issue: Volume 19, Number 1, Winter 2013

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ARTICLES (Download Articles)

Jackie Smith Editor’s Introduction

Adam Driscoll and Edward L. Kick | Abstract | Naval Stores Extraction in Eastern North Carolina: The Historical Basis of Spatial Inequality within a Core Nation

Thomas D. Hall | Abstract | Lessons from Comparing the Two Southwests: Southwest China and Northwest New Spain/Southwest US

Erynn Masi de Casanova and Barbara Sutton | AbstractTransnational Body Projects: Media Representations of Cosmetic Surgery Tourism in Argentina and the United States

Eric Bonds | Abstract | Hegemony and Humanitarian Norms: The U.S. Legitimation of Toxic Violence

Brent Z. Kaup | Abstract | In Spaces of Marginalization: Dispossession, Incorporation, and Resistance in Bolivia

Asafa Jalata | Abstract | The Impacts of Terrorism and Capitalist Incorporation on Indigenous Americans

BOOK REVIEWS (Download Reviews)

The Clash of Ideas in World Politics: Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510-2010 by John Owen, Reviewed by Julian Go

Free Burma: Transnational Legal Activism and Corporate Accountability by John Dale, Reviewed by Dominic J. Nardi Jr.

Indigenous Peoples and Globalization: Resistance and Revitalization by Thomas D. Hall and James V. Fenelon, Reviewed by Paul S. Ciccantell

Workers, State and Development in Brazil: Powers of Labour, Chains of Value by Ben Selwyn, Reviewed by Phillip Hough

Fighting for the Future of Food: Activists Versus Agribusiness in the Struggle over Biotechnology by Rachel Schurman and William A. Munro, Reviewed by Tim Bartley

Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Labor Standards: Firms and Activists in the Making of Private Regulation by Luc Fransen, Reviewed by Florence Palpacuer

Making Waves: Worldwide Social Movements, 1750-2005 by William G. Martin, Reviewed by John Dale

Volume 18, Number 2, Summer 2012

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SYMPOSIUM: Real Utopias & the Politics of Dispossession (Download Symposium)

Jackie Smith | Editor’s Introduction: Utopias and the Politics of Dispossession

Ariel Salleh | “Green Economy” or Green Utopia: The Salience of Reproductive Labor Post-Rio+20

Rose M. Brewer | Political Economy of the World-System: The Imperative of African-Centered Utopias

Marina Karides | Local Utopia as Unobtrusive Resistance: The Greek Village Micro-Economy

Special Contribution: Interview with Giovanni Arrighi “At Some Point Something Has To Give” – Declining U.S. Power, the Rise of China, and an Adam Smith for the Contemporary Left, by Kevan Harris

ARTICLES (Download Articles)

Eric Bonds and Liam Downey | Abstract | “Green” Technology and Ecologically Unequal Exchange: The Environmental and Social Consequences of Ecological Modernization in the World-System

Brian J. Gareau | Abstract | Theorizing Environmental Governance of the World System: Global Political Economy Theory and Some Applications to Stratospheric Ozone Politics

Alexander Thomas | Abstract | Urbanization before Cities: Lessons for Social Theory from the Evolution of Cities

Jason Hall and Loretta Bass | Abstract | The Effects of Global Interaction on Poverty in Developing Countries, 1991-2005


Salvatore Babones and Robin Farabee-Siers | Abstract | Indices of Trade Partner Concentration for 183 Countries

BOOK REVIEWS (Download Reviews)

Patterns of Empire: The British and American Empires, 1688 to the Present by Julian Go, Reviewed by Thomas D. Hall

The Undevelopment of Capitalism: Sectors and Markets in Fifteenth-Century Tuscany by Rebecca Jean Emigh, Reviewed by Richard E. Lee

Frontiers of Commodity Chain Research by Jennifer Bair, ed., Reviewed by Joseph Conti

Remaking U.S. Trade Policy: From Protectionism to Globalization by Nitsan Chorev, Reviewed by Kristen Hopewell

Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization by John R. Searle, Reviewed by Omar Lizardo

Global Democracy and the World Social Forums by Jackie Smith, Marina Karides, Marc Becker, Dorval Brunelle, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Donatella della Porta, Rosalba Icaza Garza, Jeffrey Juris, Lorenzo Mosca, Ellen Reese, Peter Smith, and Rolando Vazquez, Reviewed by Bruce Podobnik

Power, Resistance and Conflict in the Contemporary World: Social Movements, Networks and Hierarchies by Athina Karotzogianni and Andrew Robinson, Reviewed by Jon Shefner

Shutting Down the Streets: Political Violence and Social Control in the Global Era by Armory Starr, Luis Fernandez and Christian Scholl, Reviewed by Nicholas Miano

Volume 18, Number 1, Winter 2012

Articles (Volume 18, Number 1, 2012)
Special Issue: Land Rights in the World-System
Guest Edited by Farshad Araghi & Marina Karides

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Farshad Araghi and Marina Karides: Introduction: Land Dispossession and Global Crisis

Immanuel Wallerstein | Abstract | Land, Space, and People: Constraints of the Capitalist World-Economy

Charles Geisler | Abstract | New Terra Nullius Narratives and the Gentrification of Africa’s “Empty Lands”

Phillip A. Hough and Jennifer Bair | Abstract | Dispossession, Class Formation and the Political Imaginary of Colombia’s Coffee Producers over the Longue Durée: Beyond the Polanyian Analytic

Astra Bonini | Abstract |  Complementary and Competitive Regimes of Accumulation: Natural Resources and Development in the World-System

Ganesh K. Trichur | Abstract | East Asian Developmental Path and Land-Use Rights in China

Ben Scully | Abstract | Land, Livelihoods, and the Decline of Work: South African Lessons for Current Debates

Andrew K Jorgenson and James Rice | Abstract | Urban Slums and Children’s Health in Less-Developed Countries

 Book Reviews
Download Reviews

Maya Nationalisms and Postcolonial Challenges in Guatemala: Coloniality, Modernity, and Identity Politics by Emilio Del Valle Escalante, Reviewed by Samantha Fox

Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformation in a Global Megacity by Xiangming Chen, Reviewed by David Smith

Crafting State-Nations: India and other Multinational Democracies by Alfred Stepan, Juan J. Linz, and Yogendra Yadav, Reviewed by Gary Coyne

Theory and Methodology of World Development: The Writings of Andre Gunder Frank by Sing Chew and Pat Lauderdale eds. Reviewed by Robert A. Denemark

Market Threads: How Cotton Farmers and Traders Create a Global Commodity by Koray Çalişkan, Reviewed by Sarah E. Lake

Global Capitalism: A Sociological Perspective by Miguel A. Centeno and Joseph N. Cohen, Reviewed by Robert J.S. Ross

Dividing the Realm in Order to Govern”: The Spatial Organization of the Song State (960 – 1276 CE) by Ruth Mostern, Reviewed by Patrick Manning

The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in the Archaic Period by Alan M. Greaves, Reviewed by P. Nick Kardulias