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Filming Trauma Simulations for Medical Education: A Comparison of First-Person View vs. Remotely Shot Video
Research Day
  • Christopher Capicotto, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Memu-lye Kamara, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • John Krutsick, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Arthur Sesso, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Start Date
9-5-2018 1:00 PM

With advancements in video technology, first-person view places observers in the vantage point of the camera operator. Lightweight wearable products, such as GoPro cameras, are capable of capturing high-resolution footage. In a 3-phase project, first-person view (FPV) footage was compared to remotely-shot video (RSV) of identical trauma scenarios viewed by medical students and residents at PCOM.

Students responded to a trauma simulation by assessing the patient, obtaining a history and stabilizing the patient. This scenario was run once using RSV and again using FPV to capture the encounter. Both formats were screened for medical students in Phase I and Phase II and for surgery residents in Phase III. Participants in all phases responded to a survey to determine which video format was most educational.

Over the three project phases, 301 medical students and 20 surgical residents viewed the trauma scenarios captured in FPV and RSV. Survey results for Phase I and Phase II demonstrated a majority of respondents preferred FPV over RSV content. Additionally, a majority of respondents thought FPV would be a useful adjunct in medical education. Phase III results also showed that most residents preferred FPV content. Residents similarly found FPV to have an educational value.

Based on the feedback obtained in all three project phases, medical students and surgical residents demonstrated a preference for FPV. With this input, PCOM will expand its use of FPV in medical education.

Citation Information
Christopher Capicotto, Memu-lye Kamara, John Krutsick and Arthur Sesso. "Filming Trauma Simulations for Medical Education: A Comparison of First-Person View vs. Remotely Shot Video" (2018)
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