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Sequestration and the engagement of developing economies in a global carbon market
Resource and Energy Economics (2018)
  • Reza Oladi, Utah State University
  • Arthur Caplan
  • John Gilbert, Utah State University
We develop a differential game within a general equilibrium framework of carbon sequestration with and without international trade. We characterize the game’s equilibrium and demonstrate how a global carbon permit market can be structured to induce the participation of developing countries through the harnessing of their potential to sequester carbon.We show that a permit market with carbon sequestration is mutually welfare improving for developed and developing nations, and that international trade in finished goods and carbon permits lowers the stock of global pollution.
  • environment and trade,
  • sequestration,
  • carbon permits,
  • differential games
Publication Date
Spring May 1, 2018
Citation Information
Reza Oladi, Arthur Caplan and John Gilbert. "Sequestration and the engagement of developing economies in a global carbon market" Resource and Energy Economics Vol. 52 (2018) p. 50 - 63
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