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A Note on Dirichlet Process Based Semiparametric Bayesian Models
International Conference on Statistical Distribution and Applications (ICOSDA)
  • Arpita Chatterjee, Georgia Southern University
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Abstract or Description

Semiparamatric Bayesian models have become increasingly popular over the past few decades. As compared to their parametric counterparts, the semiparametric models allow for a greater flexibility in capturing the parameter uncertainty. Dirichletprocess mixed models form a particular class of Bayesian semiparametric models by assuming a random mixing distribution, taken to be a realization from a Dirichlet process, for the mixture. In this research, we show that while hierarchical DP models may provide flexibility in model fit, they may not perform uniformly better in other aspects as compared to the parametric models.

Niagara Falls, Canada
Citation Information
Arpita Chatterjee. "A Note on Dirichlet Process Based Semiparametric Bayesian Models" International Conference on Statistical Distribution and Applications (ICOSDA) (2016)
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