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FACULTY WORKSHOP: Utilizing SelectedWorks & Digital Commons for Creating "A New Model for Presenting the Curriculum Vitae" (2021)
  • Armando A Arias, Jr., California State University, Monterey Bay
Popular Press
What: Workshop on How SelectedWorks Can Help SBSGS Faculty Promote Their Research & Creative Work (Digital Commons @csumb)
Preview: (3.5 minutes)
Facilitators: Armando Arias, SBSGS & John Brady, Digital Technologies (Library)
When: Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 12 noon – 1 p.m.
Where: No password, click
Why: Create and/or improve upon your faculty profile
Full/part-time faculty invited.
RSVP by Friday, February 12, 2021
Ethnographic Descriptive Outline
My sense is that we should render an open and invitational atmosphere, while at the same time attempting to move people to action; starting their SelectedWorks profile.
I have not checked but I am aware that several divisions have faculty profiles on their respective websites and we need to make a point about how SelectedWorks is different. We could also discuss linking SelectedWorks profiles to divisional profiles.
Please feel free to make suggestions.
Armando Arias (AA)
John Brady (JB)
AA – Will welcome everyone and briefly describe what we will present and why or the relevance of Faculty Profiles to the institution and to individuals. AA will introduce JB (3 min.).
Note: This may be an opportune time to talk about the difference between divisional and institution faculty profiles, something I have given any thought to until now.
JB – Will describe the overall purpose of Digital Commons (10 min.)
  • Introduce Digital Commons
  • How to access site
  • Overview of publications and collections featured on repository
Highlight pages relevant to faculty
  • Journal/Other Publications,
  • Research,
  • Selected Works,
  • Creative Work
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Armando A Arias. "FACULTY WORKSHOP: Utilizing SelectedWorks & Digital Commons for Creating "A New Model for Presenting the Curriculum Vitae"" (2021)
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