Community Perceptions of English and its Effect on EFL Students’ Attitudes Towards Learning the Language
Community is one of the main forces that shapes individuals' beliefs, values, and behaviors. The community perceptions can influence students at many levels especially at the level of learning foreign languages. Therefore, this study aims to examine and analyze how community perception of EFL can influence the students' willingness to learn and use English language. The study highlights some of the recent studies conducted about the importance of learning English in Saudi Arabia, and the community perception and its effect in the low EFL achievement level of Saudi learners. The aim of this study is to assess the community perception of English and their effect on EFL use by King Khalid university students. The study followed the quantitative method of data collection and analysis. A survey was conducted to collect data through a questionnaire containing 17 items that was completed by 89 students from the first to the fourth year in the languages and translation department at King Khalid University, Abha. The data were analyzed through statistical analysis (SPSS) and the use of multiple regression analysis for the data analysis. Subsequently, the findings showed that the students have a high willingness to study and practice English, whereas the community has a middle effect on students’ attitudes in the use of English language. Additionally, the study shows that the community have a middle to high negative effect on the students’ language competency mainly, in the improperly teaching methods and the lack of extracurricular activities provided by the educational system
- community,
- perceptions,
- learning,
- English as a Foreign Language (EFL),
- EFL students,
- King Khalid University,
- Saudi Arabia
Publication Date
Spring March 15, 2020
M.A in Applied Linguistics
Field of study
Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University
Dr. Abdul Wahid Al Zumor
Citation Information
Arwa Hassan Ahmad Alshehri. "Community Perceptions of English and its Effect on EFL Students’ Attitudes Towards Learning the Language" (2020) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/arabworldenglishjournal-awej/829/