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The Acquisition of English Articles by Arabic L2-English learners: A Semantic Approach
Arab World English Journal (2016)
  • Arab World English Journal AWEJ, Arab Society of English Language Studies
  • Majdi Abudalbuh
The purpose of this study is to examine the acquisition of English articles by Arabic second language (L2) learners of English as a function of different linguistic contexts contrasted based upon two semantic notions: definiteness and specificity. The participants in this study are 30 adult learners of L2 English whose first language (L1) is Arabic. The data for this study consist of the participants’ responses to a forced-choice elicitation task targeting the use of articles in English. The results show that the learners were more accurate in terms of their article usage in definite contexts than in indefinite contexts regardless of specificity. While advanced learners performed native-like and converged to the target system of articles in English in all of the semantic contexts, low proficiency learners and intermediate learners made several errors, the most common of which was article omission in obligatory contexts. Moreover, the results show that the low proficiency learners fluctuated between definiteness and specificity in the two crucial mismatching semantic contexts: [+definite, -specific] and [-definite, +specific], overusing the indefinite article in the former context and overusing the definite article in the latter context. Unlike the low proficiency learners, the intermediate learners did not fluctuate between definiteness and specificity. The study proposes a development model for the acquisition of the English article system by Arabic learners of L2 English incorporating the Fluctuation Hypothesis (FH) and drawing on the available sources of linguistic knowledge in second language acquisition (SLA).
  • Arabic,
  • articles,
  • definiteness,
  • English,
  • fluctuation,
  • specificity
Publication Date
Summer June 15, 2016
Citation Information
Arab World English Journal AWEJ and Majdi Abudalbuh. "The Acquisition of English Articles by Arabic L2-English learners: A Semantic Approach" Arab World English Journal Vol. 7 Iss. 2 (2016) p. 104 - 117 ISSN: 2229-9327
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