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Classroom Interaction in English Language Class for Students of Economics Education
Arab World English Journal (2017)
  • Ima Isnaini Taufiqur Rohmah AWEJ, Arab Society of English Language Studies
This research is attempts to find out the types of teacher and students talk and also the patterns of teaching-learning interaction. This research was qualitative case study conducted in English Language 1 class Economics Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Institute Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Bojonegoro, East java. The participants were an English teacher and thirty four students. Observations were conducted twice in November 2016. The data were analysed by using the combination of interaction analysis system adapted from (Flanders, 1970; Moskowitz, 1971; Brown, 1975; Al-Otaibi, 2004; and Erling et al., 2012). The findings show that the teacher produced almost all types of teacher talk. They also produced almost all types of student talk in learning process. The teaching-learning activities used produced the patterns of group work, choral responses, closed-ended teacher questioning (IRF), individual work, student initiates-teacher answers, open-ended teacher questioning, and collaboration. Consider the result of this study. It is important for the teacher to build interactive and communicative teaching-learning activities involving more interaction and participation among the students.  It is also advisable for the teacher to consider the factors that might affect the teaching-learning interaction in the classroom.
  • classroom interaction,
  • interaction pattern,
  • student talk,
  • teacher talk
Publication Date
Summer June 15, 2017
Citation Information
Ima Isnaini Taufiqur Rohmah AWEJ. "Classroom Interaction in English Language Class for Students of Economics Education" Arab World English Journal Vol. 8 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 192 - 207 ISSN: 2229-9327
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