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Improving Language Assessment Literacy for In-Service Saudi EFL Teachers
Arab World English Journal (2022)
  • Faten Ali Salami & Rasha Mastour Alharthi, Arab Society of English Language Studies
A teacher’s ability to create and implement high-quality assessments is a key component of assessment literacy. Therefore, improving teachers’ language assessment literacy (LAL) is one of the most important factors in assuring the quality of language testing and assessment (LTA). Thus, this study aimed to investigate the perceived level of LAL among Saudi in-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers. Additionally, it aimed to identify the aspects of LAL that in-service EFL teachers wish to improve through further professional assessment training. Two research questions were formulated to achieve the study aims; a) what is the perceived level of LAL among Saudi in-service EFL teachers? b) What aspects of LAL do in-service EFL teachers wish to improve through further professional training? A questionnaire was administered to collect the data. Fifty EFL female instructors at King Abdulaziz University responded to the online questionnaire. To analyze the data, SPSS software was used. Regarding teachers’ perceived level of LAL, the results indicated that Saudi EFL teachers lack a well-developed knowledge of assessment literacy. The findings showed that the majority of the teachers received either no training or basic training in LAL. In regard to teachers’ training needs,  the findings highligted that there is a need for training in nearly all the aspects of LAL, with priority being given to different content areas of LTA. Finally, the study recommended providing Saudi EFL teachers with sufficient professional language assessment training.
  • Content of assessment,
  • language assessment literacy,
  • language testing,
  • Saudi EFL teachers.
Publication Date
Fall September 24, 2022
Citation Information
Faten Ali Salami & Rasha Mastour Alharthi. "Improving Language Assessment Literacy for In-Service Saudi EFL Teachers" Arab World English Journal Vol. 13 Iss. 3 (2022) p. 536 - 554 ISSN: 2229-9327
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