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Conservative versus Liberal Worldviews and Introspective Thought
Journal of Ideology (2011)
  • April Johnson, Kennesaw State University
  • William D. McIntosh, Georgia Southern University
Previous research has hypothesized that conservative ideologies are the result of a worldview within which the world is viewed as a dangerous and threatening place, and where individuals are essentially hedonistic and need extrinsic rules in order to behave morally. Research has also indicated that conservatives are generally higher in authoritarianism, intolerance for ambiguity, dogmatism, and need for closure than liberals. Based on these findings, it was hypothesized that people who hold more conservative ideologies will be less willing to introspect than those who hold more liberal ideologies. Ratings of individual‟s written profiles on an Internet dating site were consistent with this research hypothesis. Implications of a relationship between ideology, worldview, and introspection are discussed.
  • conservative ideologies,
  • republicans
Publication Date
Citation Information
April Johnson and William D. McIntosh. "Conservative versus Liberal Worldviews and Introspective Thought" Journal of Ideology Vol. 33 (2011)
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