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Teacher (2014)
  • Anu Radha Sharma, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Mathematical error can be due to carelessness or simply low mathematical aptitude but more often than not errors are due to gaps in learning. Errors due to gaps in learning can be indicators of underlying misconceptions about important mathematical concepts. Let’s look at one widely misunderstood concept – fractions. Learning about fractions can be extraordinarily difficult for students, so let’s address that by looking at the meaning of fractions, ordering and comparing of fractions, equivalent fractions and the addition of fractions.
  • Fractions,
  • Mathematical aptitude,
  • Learning,
  • Mathematical concepts
Publication Date
Citation Information
Anu Radha Sharma. "Fractions" Teacher Vol. 8 Iss. 1 (2014) p. 14 - 15
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