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Transforming the Fashion and Apparel Curriculum to Incorporate Sustainability
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education (2011)
  • Anupama Pasricha, St. Catherine University
The issue of sustainability is unprecedented in both magnitude and complexity. It presents one of the major challenges faced by modern society. Fashion and apparel educators have an opportunity to adopt a paradigm that can prepare professionals to move away from just profit and performance centred approaches to a balance of economic, environmental and societal considerations. This article explores the concept of sustainability as it relates to fashion; discusses rationale for working definitions of sustainability focusing on complexities involved; prepares a theoretical background for the importance of teaching the concept of sustainability; and presents a model that represents three interlocked teaching strategies used to infuse the concept of sustainability throughout the fashion and apparel program at a liberal arts university.
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Citation Information
Anupama Pasricha. "Transforming the Fashion and Apparel Curriculum to Incorporate Sustainability" International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education Vol. 4 Iss. 3 (2011)
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