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A deep‐learning‐based computer vision solution for construction vehicle detection
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
  • Saeed Arabi, Iowa State University
  • Arya Haghighat, Iowa State University
  • Anuj Sharma, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Submitted Manuscript
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This paper aims at providing researchers and engineering professionals from the first step of solution development to the last step of solution deployment with a practical and comprehensive deep‐learning‐based solution for detecting construction vehicles. This paper places particular focus on the often‐ignored last step of deployment. Our first phase of solution development involved data preparation, model selection, model training, and model validation. Given the necessarily small‐scale nature of construction vehicle image datasets, we propose as detection model an improved version of the single shot detector MobileNet, which is suitable for embedded devices. Our study's second phase comprised model optimization, application‐specific embedded system selection, economic analysis, and field implementation. Several embedded devices were proposed and compared. Results including a consistent above 90% mean average precision confirm the superior real‐time performance of our proposed solutions. Finally, the practical field implementation of our proposed solutions was investigated. This study validates the practicality of deep‐learning‐based object detection solutions for construction scenarios. Moreover, the detailed information provided by the current study can be employed for several purposes such as safety monitoring, productivity assessments, and managerial decision making.


This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Arabi, Saeed, Arya Haghighat, and Anuj Sharma. "A deep‐learning‐based computer vision solution for construction vehicle detection." Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 35, no. 7 (2020): 753-767, which has been published in final form at DOI: 10.1111/mice.12530. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
File Format
Citation Information
Saeed Arabi, Arya Haghighat and Anuj Sharma. "A deep‐learning‐based computer vision solution for construction vehicle detection" Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Vol. 35 Iss. 7 (2020) p. 753 - 767
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