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The State of BKS-B Libraries 1989: A Report of Progress Including Recommendations for Future Development
Western Universities Agricultural Education Project
  • Antoinette Paris Powell, University of Kentucky

This report contains the itinerary and activities of Ms. Antoinette Paris Powell from 19 January - 15 March 1989 when she worked with the librarians and library staffs of the 11 BKS-B institutions. She spent the first part of her visit conducting a five and one-half day seminar in library management for 33 BKS-B library personnel. She followed this with a visit to each BKS-B library to consult with rectors and library officials on library problems, objectives and plans. Ms. Powell evaluated each library and its operations. This publication contains her overall evaluation of the library system in BKS-B institutions and specific recommendations for each library as well interlibrary BKS-B and programs for libraries.

Ms. Powell previously visited and surveyed libraries in 10 BKS-B institutions in February and March 1985. Her findings and recommendations are contained in WUAE Project Short Term Specialist Report No. 18, "Assessment and Recommendations Regarding BKS-B Libraries." During her visits to BKS-B libraries in February and March 1989 she documented changes that occured during the past four years. Comparisons between periods and with follow-up on recommendations made in 1985 are also shown in this report.

Ms. Powell has been Head Librarian, Agriculture Library, University of Kentucky since 1974, She has had extensive experience in library management, organization, automation, space management, budgeting, planning staffing and training. Ms. Powell received B.A. and M.A. degrees in Library Science from the University of Kentucky.

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Western Universities Agricultural Education Short Term Specialist Report No. 41. published by the Indonesian Department of Education and Culture, U.S. Agency for International Development, and the University of Kentucky. (1989).

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Citation Information
Antoinette Paris Powell. "The State of BKS-B Libraries 1989: A Report of Progress Including Recommendations for Future Development" Western Universities Agricultural Education Project Iss. 41 (1989)
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