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Unpublished Paper
Document Availability and Delivery: Problems and Prospects for Developing Countries
Library Faculty and Staff Publications
  • Antoinette Paris Powell, University of Kentucky

The central theme of this paper was originally developed for the Third Conference on Librarians in International Development held at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. in May of 1991 . The idea for the paper had its roots in the Vllth World Congress of the International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (IAALD) where Syed Salim Agha presented a paper entitled "Effecting Information Transfer Through the Document Delivery Process in South East Asia." In that paper Syed Salim Agha outlined the barriers to document delivery along with potential solutions. His presentation left a lasting impression and six years later I found myself building on that paper for a presentation. Now, a decade later I am still building on his presentation. I am pleased to be submitting this paper for a volume honoring the career of Syed Salim Agha.

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Notes/Citation Information

This article is an invited paper prepared in honor of the retirement of Sayed Salim Agha, University Librarian, Universiti Pertanian, Malaysia in 1995.

The copyright holder has granted the permission for posting the article here.

Citation Information
Antoinette Paris Powell. "Document Availability and Delivery: Problems and Prospects for Developing Countries" (1995)
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