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Informal Technology Coaching: Using Pre-Service Teacher Field Experiences to Support K-12 Flipped Classroom Instruction
Education Faculty Publications
  • Antoinette P. Bruciati, Sacred Heart University
  • Maria Lizano-DiMare, Sacred Heart University
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This paper describes a pilot field experience component that is part of an online graduate level course in educational technology for pre-service teacher candidates. As part of the field experience, teacher candidates develop a model lecture video and learning activity screencast that are used to coach certified teachers in the methods for “flipping” their classrooms. The field experience is used by course instructors to determine the ability of their teacher candidates to plan technology-enhanced learning experiences, deepen their content knowledge, and improve their abilities to select and use developmentally appropriate technologies. Certified teachers benefit through informal coaching by pre-service teacher candidates that provides these teachers with professional development opportunities in technology integration along with the latest methods for increasing K-12 student learning and engagement in the content areas.

Citation Information

Bruciati, A.P. & Lizano-DiMare, M. (2016). Informal technology coaching: Using pre-service teacher field experiences to support K-12 flipped classroom instruction. In Proceedings of E-Learn - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2016. Washington D.C.: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).