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Review: City Choreographer: Lawrence Halprin in Urban Renewal America
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2015)
  • Anthony Raynsford, San Jose State University
Publication Date
December, 2015
Publisher Statement
Published as: Review: City Choreographer: Lawrence Halprin in Urban Renewal America, by Alison Bick Hirsch.
Anthony Raynsford, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol.74 No.4, December 2015, (pp. 505-506) DOI: 10.1525/jsah.2015.74.4.505

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Citation Information
Anthony Raynsford. "Review: City Choreographer: Lawrence Halprin in Urban Renewal America" Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Vol. 74 Iss. 4 (2015) p. 505 - 506 ISSN: 0037-9808
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