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Man in a Suitcase: Tulse Luper at Compton Verney
Image [&] Narrative (2005)
  • Anthony Purdy, The University of Western Ontario
  • Bridget J. Elliott, The University of Western Ontario

Exploring in the gallery space the possibilities of an experimental intermediality, Luper at Compton Verney deploys the suitcase both as an emblem for key moments of twentieth-century history, including Auschwitz , and as a recurrent device in twentieth-century art. This essay examines the intersections of art and history in an exhibition space conceived as a complex heterotopian play of "other spaces," such as suitcase installations, vitrine displays, film projections, video screenings, drawings, and maps.

  • Greenaway,
  • Tulse Luper,
  • museum
Publication Date
August, 2005
Citation Information
Anthony Purdy and Bridget J. Elliott. "Man in a Suitcase: Tulse Luper at Compton Verney" Image [&] Narrative Vol. 6 Iss. 2 (2005)
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