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Moving from chance and "chemistry" to skills: Improving online student learning outcomes in small group collaborations
Education for Information (2016)
  • Anthony Bernier, San Jose State University
  • Cheryl Stenstorm, San Jose State University
While instructors know the importance of successful small group collaboration, and the value of the skills required to execute them, students continue to prefer to work independently. The promise and development of recent online tools, however, and streams of recent research on small group collaboration, continue to produce less-than-satisfying or sufficiently generalizable pedagogical interventions. This study examines a more systematic attempt to direct students through specific tasks designed to improve their experience and produce higher quality student learning outcomes. Two groups of graduate students across four required online classes were surveyed about their attitudes and the steps they take when engaging assigned small group projects. The first group was offered a pre-recorded lecture as a resource while the second group was offered the same lecture plus additional specific ground rules to help avoid common negative experiences. Both groups were asked to complete surveys about their experiences. While many students continue to exhibit less-than-productive behaviors and practices, even after engaging the guidelines, some improvements did emerge. The study points out that more attention to pedagogical intervention is indicated if instructors hope to improve learning outcomes in valuable small group collaborations.
  • small group work,
  • teams,
  • collaborative work techniques,
  • small group pedagogy,
  • peer collaboration,
  • collaborative learning
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Publisher Statement
This is the Submitted Manuscript of an article that appeared in Education for Information, volume 32, issue 1, 2016. The Version of Record (VOR) may be found at

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Citation Information
Anthony Bernier and Cheryl Stenstorm. "Moving from chance and "chemistry" to skills: Improving online student learning outcomes in small group collaborations" Education for Information Vol. 32 Iss. 1 (2016) p. 55 - 69 ISSN: 0167-8329
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