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Internet Video Access Appears Difficult for Oregon Extension Master Gardeners
HortTechnology (2003)
  • Ann Marie VanDerZanden, Oregon State University
  • Bob Rost, Oregon State University
Video clips are a type of interactive multimedia that are often incorporated in Internet based training, and recent studies have reported examples of how cooperative extension is beginning to use Internet technology, including video clips, as part of delivering educational programs online. A survey was designed to determine if Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener volunteers trained in 2001 were able to access a video clip online. Eighty percent of the recent trainees had access to or owned a computer and 93% of this group had access to the Internet. Yet, when asked to access the video clip online only 37% of the respondents were successful. This disparity suggests the need for a seamless interface between the multimedia component and the software required to access it. If the end user is unable to access the multimedia component, it is difficult to justify the additional resources required to develop these teaching tools.
  • streaming video,
  • multimedia,
  • computer based training,
  • distance learning,
  • master gardener
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Copyright 2003 American Society for Horticultural Science
Citation Information
Ann Marie VanDerZanden and Bob Rost. "Internet Video Access Appears Difficult for Oregon Extension Master Gardeners" HortTechnology Vol. 13 Iss. 2 (2003) p. 385 - 387
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