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Honorable in Business: Business Ethics from a Christian Perspective
All Books
  • Annetta Gibson, Andrews University
  • Daniel Augsburger, Andrews University

How can one be a Christian in the world of business, not just on the weekend? How can one be honorable in business? Through the integration of the Christian worldview and business ethics, this book provides Christians with a mental framework with which to answer these important questions.

Beginning with Genesis as the foundation for the Christian’s worldview and the Ten Commandments as the outline for the Christian’s ethical obligations, the authors develop principles upon which ethical choices can be made, even when working in a primarily non-Christian-oriented business environment. The book is designed to be helpful both to those beginning their career in business and those already employed in business who struggle with how to engage in today’s business environment while maintaining their commitment to God’s vision for life to be both meaningful and honorable.

Topics of business ethics such as employee rights, discrimination, technology and privacy, insider trading and accounting fraud, and the special challenges of working internationally are covered. The added value this book brings to these discussions lies in its serious consideration of the Christian worldview as foundational to ethical decision-making in everyday areas of business.

Publication Date
Wipf and Stock Publishers
  • business ethics

See attached book review by Lisa M. Beardsley-Hardy, forthcoming in Dialogue

First Department
School of Business Administration
Citation Information
Annetta Gibson and Daniel Augsburger. Honorable in Business: Business Ethics from a Christian Perspective. Eugene, OR(2019)
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