What have we learned about effectively using assessment data during remote learning over the past year?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many teachers around the globe found themselves forced to teach in remote or online environments. This blog post explores initial findings about the assessment data that teachers used to understand and cater for the diverse needs of students during remote learning periods throughout the pandemic. The research was a small-scale project funded by BERA, which explored the sources of data that were used by teachers to inform remote teaching practices. It examined strategies that teachers used to promote engagement and access to learning through synchronous and asynchronous activities.
- COVID-19,
- remote learning,
- assessment data,
- student learning,
- teaching
Publication Date
April 28, 2021
Citation Information
Anne-Marie Chase, Kathryn Richardson and Nathanael Reinertsen. "What have we learned about effectively using assessment data during remote learning over the past year?" BERA Blog (2021) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/anne-marie-chase/30/