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About Anne M. Hamby

Dr. Hamby joined the Department of Marketing at Boise State University in the fall of 2019. Before coming to Boise State, she taught at Hofstra University, located in the NYC metro area.

Her research focus is in the area of consumer psychology. Specifically, she studies how emotional and structural aspects of stories engage their audiences, and how engagement in stories influence beliefs and behavior in a marketing context. She is also interested in issues related to consumer well-being and examines the psychological, social, and cultural factors that influence risky consumption practices and prosocial behavior.

She has consulted with international and domestic nonprofit organizations operating in the areas of health, youth and risky consumption, and media literacy.

Her research has been published in leading outlets in marketing including the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, and others.


2018 - Present Independent Consultant, Muse Storytelling
Present Associate Professor, Boise State University Department of Marketing
2014 - 2019 Assistant Professor, Hofstra University ‐ Department of Marketing and International Business
2009 - 2014 Independent Consultant, Solutions for Sustainability
Faculty Member, Boise State University
Assistant Professor, Boise State University Department of Marketing



2022 - 2022 Embedding Personal Narratives in Engineering Courses to Improve Engineering Student Success
National Science Foundation - 2142137
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Colleague(s): Krishna Pakala, Eric Jankowski, and Sara Hagenah
2021 - 2021 Developmentof an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) housed at the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise, ID.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Colleague(s): Katherine Wright, Anthony Ellertson, Beth Ramsey, and Isaac Castellano
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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, American Marketing Association
Present Member, Association of Consumer Research
Present Member, Society for Consumer Psychol
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Honors and Awards

  • 2018 - Nicosia Award for Best Competitive Paper, Association for Consumer Research
  • 2023 - Faculty Research Award - The Institute for Advancing American Values
  • 2024: Named "Influential Leader", AACSB International


2014 Ph.D. - Marketing (Minor: Statistics), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2008 M.S. - Marketing Research (Minor: Statistics), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2007 B.S. - Marketing, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2007 B.S. - Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Articles (34)

Includes peer-reviewed and online media articles

Data Management Plans (1)

Conference Presentations (5)

Invited Talks (1)

Student Mentored Works (1)