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Vaping Viewpoints: A Multi‐Segment Understanding of E‐Cigarette Risk Perceptions
The Journal of Consumer Affairs (2019)
  • Justine Rapp Farrell
  • Anne M. Hamby
Electronic cigarettes (e‐cigarettes) are battery‐operated devices used to deliver nicotine by vapor and are positioned as a safer alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. As a recent entrant to the market, little is known about how consumers perceive the health risks of these devices, raising the question of whether consumers are making informed product adoption and use choices. Study 1 evaluates different consumer usage segments (vapers, smokers, dual users, and nonusers) in terms of their level of perceived risk. Study 2 examines how different groups of consumers' risk perceptions are influenced by on‐ad warning labels. Results show that vapers operate as a distinct consumer segment with lower perceptions of harm than other segments, although illustrate greater likelihood to respond to health messaging and on‐ad warning information.
Publication Date
Summer 2019
Citation Information
Justine Rapp Farrell and Anne M. Hamby. "Vaping Viewpoints: A Multi‐Segment Understanding of E‐Cigarette Risk Perceptions" The Journal of Consumer Affairs Vol. 53 Iss. 2 (2019) p. 545 - 571
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