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Exploring the Effects of For-Profit and Nonprofit Size Congruency: An Exchange Perspective on Cause-Related Marketing
Journal of Consumer Affairs
  • Anne Hamby, Boise State University
  • Niusha Jones, Boise State University
  • Guohong Yu, University of Edinburgh
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Prior research on cause-related marketing (CM) shows that congruencies between for-profit and nonprofit organizational missions and target markets affect consumers' perceptions of the partnership fit, and their subsequent response to CM promotions. The current work explores how congruencies between for-profit and nonprofit sizes influence consumers' perceptions of the partnership fit, and subsequently, their attitudes toward CM efforts. Study 1 shows that consumers perceive a low degree of organizational partnership fit between a small for-profit and large nonprofit (relative to other partnership configurations). Study 2 shows the nature of donated resources can affect organizational partnership fit perceptions, such that donations of needed goods (vs. money) can improve consumers' perceptions of partnership fit between a small for-profit and large nonprofit. Study 3 shows that organizational cause congruency and organizational size both independently contribute to perceptions of organizational partnership fit.

Copyright Statement

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Hamby, A., Jones, N., & Yu, G. (2021). Exploring the effects of for-profit and nonprofit size congruency: An exchange perspective on cause-related marketing. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 55(1), 274-292.,

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Citation Information
Anne Hamby, Niusha Jones and Guohong Yu. "Exploring the Effects of For-Profit and Nonprofit Size Congruency: An Exchange Perspective on Cause-Related Marketing" Journal of Consumer Affairs (2021) p. 274 - 292
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