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About Anna Ujwary-Gil

Anna Ujwary-Gil is an associate professor at the Institute of Economics, Polish Academy
of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, where she is also a director of two MBA studies. She
received her PhD in economics and management from the Warsaw School of Economics,
Poland. She is a founder and editor-in-chief of Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management
and Innovation. In 2010, her book “Kapitał intelektualny a wartość rynkowa
przedsiębiorstwa” [Intellectual Capital and the Market Value of a Company] (CH.Beck)
won the Polish Academy of Sciences monographs award. Among numerous projects, she
was a project supervisor in the Sonata competition of the National Science Center, and an
experienced researcher in the EU Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways programme.
For more than 17 years, she has been the conference director and academic
supervisor of annual academics' and business professionals' conferences held every June,
and is founder and president of the Cognitione Foundation for the Dissemination of
Knowledge and Science. Her research interests include organizational network analysis,
knowledge management, intellectual capital, resource-based views, and dynamic approaches
to organization and management.

Research Interests

Knowledge management, Knowledge audit methodology, Intellectual capital, and Network Analysis (new area)

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  • Concepts of Management
  • Intellectual Capital Management
  • Critical and CreativeThinking

Articles (17)

Chapters (8)

business model (1)