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Knowledge, Participation and Waste Management – Selected Problems. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation
  • Anna Ujwary-Gil

Management is an interdisciplinary field of science covering numerous concepts and approaches to analyzing organizational problems. Issue 4 of JEMI contains at least three such concepts, which we would like to present to our readers. These are: knowledge management, determining company ability to absorb advanced technologies; participation management and waste management. Beside the above-mentioned concepts, the volume also includes the issues of managers’ behavior in the context of implemented projects and interaction orientation, understood as the ability of a company to interact with its clients and to gather information. The first article is a very good example of a case study illustrating various mechanisms of technology transfer in a developing economy and developing effective ties between the practice of knowledge management and learning. Its Author presents the evidence for international technology transfer and examines its influence on development of technological capabilities of a national company as well as on knowledge management. The next article shows a successful search for the dilemma of what management style influences employees’ well-being, confirming that there is a positive relation between subjective well-being and total participation in management. Another area of research focuses on discovering differences between processes undertaken by managers, self-awareness of their actions and perception of those processes after the project is completed. The Authors of the next article dealing with determinants, moderators and consequences of interaction orientation focused mainly on examining the synergic relation between interaction and market orientations, analyzing also the influence of strategic orientation on company efficiency. One of the most interesting ideas presented here is the comparison of several orientations. This JEMI issue ends with an article on innovative use of fishing industry waste and creating a new business based on crab shell waste, which brings the analysis and commercialization of the idea, as well as shows how to use technology to maintain balanced relations with the natural environment. We give this issue of JEMI to our readers, hoping they will be interested in this combination of various approaches to management and research problems whose sheer number and subject are related to organizations in all development stages. We would like to thank the Authors for helping us to produce this issue and to Reviewers for their invaluable comments which have been reflected in the final edition of Knowledge, Participation and Waste 4 Management – Selected Problems. We hope that the articles presented here will be of interest to scientists exploring this area of knowledge as well as related fields

  • knowledge management,
  • participation management,
  • waste management,
  • technology transfers,
  • Organizational Interaction Orientation
Publication Date
Anna Ujwary-Gil
Wyzsza Szkola Biznesu - National Louis University
Citation Information
Knowledge, Participation and Waste Management – Selected Problems. (2013). A. Ujwary-Gil (ed.). Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, Vol. 9, Iss. 4.