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SHU Research Paves Way for Smoking Restrictions in Bridgeport Parks
Sacred Heart University News Story (2015)
  • Anna E. Greer
Anna E. Greer, associate professor of exercise science in Sacred Heart University’s College of Health Professions, along with several of her students, recently celebrated a long-awaited victory. On October 5, the Bridgeport City Council voted to ban smoking on beaches, playgrounds and sports fields in all Bridgeport parks, following a campaign led by Greer's 2014 Health Promotion Planning and Evaluation class.
  • Parks,
  • Bridgeport,
  • Connecticut,
  • Smoking ban
Publication Date
October 30, 2015
Citation Information
Anna E. Greer. "SHU Research Paves Way for Smoking Restrictions in Bridgeport Parks" Sacred Heart University News Story (2015)
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